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B-Safe Retractable Lanyard

A retractable lanyard has a restoring spring which keeps the wire rope or webbing taut, allowing it to respond immediately in the event of a fall.

B-Safe Retractable Lanyards can be used when working on high buildings, bridges, roof’s and other workplaces involving fall hazards. They may be chosen over standard shock-absorbing lanyards for the following reasons:

1. B-Safe Self Retracting Lanyards are lightweight (1.2kg) and very compact compared to some lanyards

2. A self-retracting lanyard allows the worker freedom of movement, not possible with a longer shock absorber. Once tied off to an anchorage point, the worker can move around easily to accomplish their task

3. Because the energy absorber is contained within the compact unit of the B-Safe Self Retracting Lanyard, possible trips and falls caused by a lanyard dragging next to the worker are minimised

4. Of even more importance, is the fact that self-retracting lanyards require just centimetres to arrest freefalls and they slowly pull out, creating minimum impact and stress to the body. With shorter activation distance and shorter overall arresting distance, self-retracting lanyards reduce the risk of hitting the ground or any obstructions at a lower level
5. With a maximum length of 2.5 metres, the B-safe Retractable Lanyard also provides extended length when working at heights for extended reach and versatility

6. B-Safe Retractable Lanyards are manufactured in Australia and tested in accordance to AS/NZS 1891.3

7. B-Safe Retractable Lanyards are a cost effective, versatile anchoring system

8. Another feature of the unit is an inbuilt webbing guide which prevents twisting, encased within the tough impact resistant cover

9. B-Safe Retractable Lanyards also come complete with two twist lock karabiners, thereby making the unit safer than others on the market containing screw type Karabiners

The Safe Working Load Limit of the units is one person up to 100kgs and they must be connected to a full body harness and a reliable anchor point of at least 15kN.

For further technical information please contact your nearest branch.

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